In our first event, and the Jodel Venture GmbH welcome you to the Solution Space to a machine learning and data science meetup with two talks and a Q&A session. Ashish Kalra, Data Science Lead at Jodel, will visit us from Berlin for this meetup. We will focus on machine learning applications in Jodel such as content classification and user feed personalization (see below for more information)

Join us to learn, network, discuss trends and innovations in the AI space, and exchange knowledge with AI experts, machine learning practitioners, and data scientists. A big thank you to our sponsors and event partners coparion and Gaffel for supporting this meetup.


19:00 - Welcome

19:15 - Talk by Fabian Hadiji on Categorization of Jodel Posts

19:45 - Break with drinks 🍻 and pizza 🍕 brought to you by coparion and Gaffel

20:15 - Talk by Ashish Kalra on Personalised Feed

20:35 - Q&A-Session with Ashish Kalra on AI & Data Science at Jodel

21:00 - Closing & Networking


Talk 1: Categorization of Jodel Posts by Fabian Hadiji

Bio: Fabian is CEO and Co-Founder at He holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from TU Dortmund University and has been applying Machine Learning for years in research and industry. Abstract: Jodel has tons of data including millions of text posts. However, these posts are mainly unsorted and not categorized. Understanding trends and topics within Jodel communities requires classifying these posts into different categories. A task insurmountable for humans in real-time but well suited for a machine learning algorithm. In this talk, Fabian will explain how Jodel built a system to classify posts into different categories. He will describe the annotation process and explain how continuous word representations are combined with features based on meta-data to learn a fast and accurate model.

Talk 2: Personalised Feed by Ashish Kalra

Bio: Ashish is Data Science Lead at Jodel. He holds an MSc in Financial Mathematics and Statistics from Vienna University of Economics and Business. Abstract: Jodel let you instantly connect, share, and engage with the community around you. Jodel have built thriving local communities across Europe and continue to expand globally. To develop a good quality personalized-feed/news-feed has been a big and an important area for all the social networking companies. The same applies to Jodel to. In this talk, Ashish will explain how Jodel is building a personalized feed system. Ashish will explain what are the expectations from a personalized feed and what are the possible approaches to develop personalized feed and which one would be opted by Jodel.
