CAIML #26 is going to happen on September 12, 2023, at TIMETOACT GROUP. We will have two talks and a networking session with food and drinks.


18h30 Open Doors

19h00 Welcome & Intro

19h15 Marc Müller (Head of Data at platform X GmbH & Co. KG) - Implementing Data Mesh in SMBs: A Technical Deep Dive into Decentralization

In SMBs, centralized data architectures have shown their limitations, particularly when scaling becomes a priority. The Data Mesh paradigm, which promotes decentralized data ownership through domain-centric design, offers a potential solution. This session will provide a detailed examination of the challenges and intricacies of adopting Data Mesh, with a focus on machine learning obstacles and the integration of non-technical stakeholders into the data domain.

We’ll dissect the architectural shifts needed, the evolution of data tooling, and the implications for data governance and management. Furthermore I share the current benefits and drawbacks, which we are facing at platform X in this transition.

5 Minute Break

19h45 Alihan Usta (Data Engineer & Data Scientist at X-INTEGRATE Software & Consulting GmbH) - Deep Learning: An example from the public sector

We are talking about the automated segmentation of aerial images, which are the basis for various business processes in water management.

20h15 Networking with food and drinks sponsored by TIMETOACT GROUP

