CAIML #28 is going to happen on January 23, 2024, at scieneers GmbH. We will have two talks and a networking session with food and drinks provided by scieneers.


18h30 Open Doors

19h00 Welcome & Intro

19h15 Nico Kreiling - More than the sum of its parts - Building Multi-Agent systems with AutoGen

Agents that combine the intelligence of LLMs (Large Language Models) with real code execution are already very powerful. However, they are limited by context and can easily start hallucinating if the prompting is not specific enough. This talk will show how multiple agents can be combined to solve heterogeneous tasks. It will also introduce the AutoGen Framework and discuss the problems associated with using multiple agents.

5 Minute Break

19h50 Ivan Herreros - Convex optimization and word-embeddings

After the LLM Big-Bang over one year ago, the field of (word-)embeddings has (paradoxically) gained a lot of momentum. That is remarkable, because as transformers seamlessly process Natural Language into Natural Language (or more generally, anything into whatever), what should one gain by looking into their “guts” (ie, their sub-symbolic “thoughts”)? In this presentation, we will go beyond the King-Queen example and the nearest-neighbors search, to illustrate how, based on convex-optimization, it is possible to make high-quality inferences with sets of embeddings. An application of the technique will be illustrated with an example from the domain of knowledge graphs.

20h20 Networking with food and drinks provided by scieneers

